The ACTKR is very excited to announce that the preparation for the 47th Australian Kendo Championships (AKC), to be held in Canberra over the Easter weekend in 2025, is underway and our small but capable team at ACTKR is actively working to organise – arguably – the best AKC ever. We would like to share some preliminary information of the event, which will hopefully help you all in facilitating travel arrangements, with more detailed information to come and registration to open in January 2025.
Event Details
Dates: Friday 18 April 2025 – Tuesday 22 April 2025.
Venue: Collegians Centre, Radford College (1 College Street, Bruce ACT 2617; link:, see attached map for location of the Collegian Centre in Radford College).
Preliminary Schedule:
Friday, 18 April (Good Friday): Registration and Shinpan Seminar.
Saturday, 19 April: Competition Day 1 – Individual Divisions.
Sunday, 20 April (Easter Sunday): Competition Day 2 – Teams Divisions and Veterans Division.
Monday, 21 April (Easter Monday): Seminar.
Tuesday, 22 April: Kendo Grading.
AKR and ACTKR are looking forward to your enthusiastic and active participation and support in this event, not only as competitors, but also as officials and volunteers. In the coming months, we will be actively seeking volunteers from across the Australian Kendo community.
Should you have any inquiries, please feel free to contact ACTKR at
We look forward to crossing swords with you in Canberra.