1.7 AKR Fee Structure
Note. The below membership fees are in addition to any that may be charged by affiliated associations and clubs or dojos.
1.7.0 Introduction
The Membership Fees and the Grading Registration Fees are the major source of funds for the Renmei and are set by the National Council, usually at the recommendation of the National Executive.
The Membership fees consist of a single annual Membership Fee that covers insurance and all three arts.
(N.B. Member must be registered for all Arts being practiced).
Each Affiliated Body is required to send all monies collected on behalf of the AKR to the AKR Treasurer within 30 days of collecting it. Membership fees are due on the 1st July each year.
1.7.1 Membership Fees. (Affiliated Bodies may set their own Grading Application fees).
Annual Membership:
- Ordinary Affiliate Member (Adult): $55 per year.
- Junior Affiliate Member (* See note): $35 per year.
* “Junior Affiliate Member” means a financial member of an Affiliated Body who is younger than eighteen (18) years of age or whose eighteenth (18th) birthday occurs on or after the first day of the current Membership Year and for whom an Affiliated Body has paid affiliation fees to the Renmei and such fees have been received by the Renmei.
Note: A half year fee exists for new members commencing training and joining their club after January each year for the first time only.
Half Annual Membership:
- Ordinary Affiliate Member (Adult): $45
- Junior Affiliate Member (* See note): $25
Above voted and carried in the AKR AGM held 23 May 2020 – effective 1st July 2020
1.7.2 Grading Fees
Grading Examinations involve two separate fees – the Grading Application Fee and the Grading Registration Fee. Grading Application Fee: (Affiliated Bodies may set their own Grading Application fees)
- payable before the member attempts a Grading Examination
- retained by the body (either the AKR or an Affiliated Body) conducting the Examination
- set by the AKR as follows:-
Senior / Junior (**See note)
Kyu Grades $10.00 / $5.00
1 Dan $25.00 / $10.00
2 Dan $30.00 / $15.00
3 Dan $35.00
4 Dan $40.00
5 Dan $45.00
6 Dan $55.00
7 Dan AKR does not examine for 7 dan Grading Registration Fee:
This fee enables the formal Registration of the result of an Examination and is set by the AKR as follows;-
Senior / Junior (*See note)
All Kyu Grades $20.00 / $10.00
1 Dan $35.00 / $20.00
2 Dan $45.00 / $30.00
3 Dan $55.00
4 Dan $75.00
5 Dan $100.00
6 Dan $150.00
7 Dan AKR does not examine for 7 dan
* is payable immediately after successfully completing a Grading Examination and must be forwarded to the AKR Treasurer along with the results within 30 days after the Examination.