The AUSTRALIAN KENDO RENMEI INC., (AKR) is the internationally recognised, governing body for Kendo, Zen Nihon Kendo Renmei (Z.N.K.R.) Iaido and (Z.N.K.R.) Jodo in Australia.
The AKR and our member Clubs, Dojo and Associations are affiliated with the International Kendo Federation (FIK). The FIK is the world-wide federation of national Kendo, Seitei Iaido and Seitei Jodo organisations. The FIK is affiliated with SportAccord (formerly GAISF) and is recognised as the international governing federation for kendo, iaido and jodo.
The Australian Government through Sport Australia (Australian Sports Commission) recognises the Australian Kendo Renmei as the National Sporting Organisation to develop kendo, iaido and jodo in Australia.
Members of the AKR compete locally, state, nationally and internationally and are eligible to attend international Kendo, Iaido and Jodo seminars and grading exams. The Kendo, Iaido and Jodo grading qualifications of AKR members are recognised internationally.
For information on affiliated Australian Kendo Dojo, Iaido Dojo and Jodo Dojo, or if you want to learn Kendo, Iaido or Jodo, please contact your nearest Club or State Association. A full list is available on our directory page.
ABN 66 064 550 279
Email: NOSPAM_akrsecretary@kendoaustralia.asn.au_DELETE. We added some characters to reduce the incidence of spam, please remove the capitalised letters and underscores, before sending your email.
2024-2027 National Executive Committee:
- President: Andrew van Hamond (NSW).
- Vice-President: Junji Sakamoto (Vic).
- Secretary: Sioh-Yang Tan (NSW).
- Treasurer: David Kolb (Qld.)
Assisting the National Executive Committee and other positions:
- Database Management: Vivian Yung. (NSW)
- National Coordinator for Coaching Development: Damon Schearer (ACT).
- National Anti-Doping Officer: Dr Harry Chow (Vic).
- National Integrity Framework Coordinator: David Fitzgibbon (Qld).
- Child Safety Policy Officer: Claire Baker (Vic).
- Anti-Doping Committee of the FIK: Catherine Hallgath (NSW).
- Web and Social Media Content, CMS Platforms Systems Manager: Richard Ward (Vic).
2024-2027 National Technical Positions:
- Iaido Board Chairperson: Tom Johnston (Qld)
- Kendo Board Chairperson: Jayson Chaplin (NSW).
- Jodo Board Chairperson: Christine Cash (Tas).
Presidents Reports and Membership Reports.
AKR Audited Finance Reports and AKR Finance Management Reports are available to members from State Associations and the AKR Secretary.