AKR Fee membership free year for 2022-23

Dear Members,

At the meeting of AKR National Council, held on 16 January 2022, a decision was made to provide both re-joining and new members with a fee amnesty for the membership year which commences on 1 July 2022 and concludes on 30 June 2023.

Some of the reasons behind the recent AKR decision for the fee amnesty, were to acknowledge –

  • The major difficulties faced by members in pursuing their training goals during the pandemic;
  • The 18th World Kendo Championships were cancelled and therefore an amount of AKR members funds budgetted for that event were not spent.

We also mention that in the financial year 2020-21, an amount of $11,865 of AKR members funds was distributed as a subsidy to dojo/clubs, to support them during the first year of the Covid19 pandemic.

This means that while the 2022-23 membership renewal process will still continue, as in the past, to be managed by clubs/dojo and the respective state associations, there will be no AKR fee payable.  Clubs/dojo and state associations may have fees as usual, but the AKR decision means that the overall cost to members will be lower than expected.

More details are in the letter to state associations.

Best regards,
Richard Ward
24 January 2022