2011 FIK Asian Zone Shinpan Seminar

The next FIK Asian Zone Shinpan Seminar, will be held in Seoul, Korea from Fri 21 October to Sun 23 October inclusive.

The AKR wishes to encourage senior Australian Kendoka to attend this Seminar with a view to improving the standard of kendo shinpan in Australia. To that end the Kendo Board of the AKR will offer subsidies to those interested in attending as follows:

• An amount of $5,000 has been set aside for this purpose.
• A minimum subsidy of $1000 per participant will be offered if there are 5 attendees from the AKR.

Of course there is no limit in the numbers who can attend from Australia, but the Kendo Board will award a maximum of 5 subsidies, and reserves the right not to offer a subsidy to an applicant considered unsuitable.

The following selection criteria will apply:
• 5 Dan and above in principle (< 5 Dan will be considered on a case by case basis) • Priority for those who have not attended previously • Practises Kendo regularly. • Volunteers for shinpan duties at State and National Championships. • Attends shinpan seminars at State or National level. • Has sufficient experience and is of a suitable standard to benefit from the Seminar, and to be able to contribute to the improvement of shinpan in their State on their return. Applications will only be received on the official entry form via the State Bodies. In forwarding an application, the State Body is endorsing that person's application. More details from State Secretaries.