At last, the AKR History, “The Progress of Kendo, Iaido and Jodo in Australia” is available in PDF form.

This project was commenced years ago by the late Ron Bennett, a founding member, a multi-term President of the AKR and the first kendo sensei to many, now quite senior, kendoka.

Ron’s vision was to make this work available to all those who were interested.  Contributions were received from many, many members.  Thanks go to Gary Oliver of Victoria, who also wrote and compiled local history, much of which is included in this publication; to Dr. Bob Brown of Wollongong, who over a few years, assisted Ron with writing and digitising words and photographs and Katie Marx of Victoria, conducted a final corrective edit for spelling and names.  Thank you Ron, Bob, Gary and Katie.

The AKR provided funds to Ron to offset the costs of his many phone calls, travel and visits to conduct interviews, petrol for Bob to travel from Wollongong in southern New South Wales to Ron’s home at Rainbow Flat in northern New South Wales and many other costs that were incurred along the way.  We think the investment was worth every cent.

This book is now available to download as a PDF file.

cover pic for web

Copies are now free, here. The Progress of Kendo, Iaido and Jodo in Australia